Our Courses


  • Understand the concepts of voltage, resistance and current
  • Ohm’s law and its application
  • Difference between current and voltage
  • Types of LEDs, Bulbs and its working
  • Types of connection and related flow of current
  • Study of electronics tools like multimeter & power supply
  • Use of switch and its various configurations
  • Understand capacitors, charging and discharging
  • Working of a diode and IC
  • Types of switches and its application
  • Study of transistor acting as a switch and its classifications
  • Inverting circuit using Transistor
  • Modulation of sound using buzzer



  • Learn to give the connections on breadboard
  • Understand the circuit diagram
  • Become master on breadboard connection
  • Learn soldering
  • Understanding dot board connection
  • Getting perfect output using dot board
  • Understand motor control with dot board
  • Learn to build a basic Robot using dot board
  • Understand the PCB board
  • Build a Robot using PCB board


  • In depth learning of Android and its applications
  • Concepts of using multiple screens, logical and mathematical operators
  • Understanding the interfacing and manipulation of in-built phone hardwares
  • Use of sensors, camera, storage, URL and browser
  • Read and fetch the data from server
  • Understanding the concept of Google assistant
  • Creating your own phone call and messaging app
  • Creating real time games and security applications

ARDUINO (Level 4.1)

  • Understanding text-based coding to program electronic circuits
  • Learn multiple component mapping and making them blink automatically with delay
  • Program numeric display with understanding of multiple line program
  • Learn about digital input to control LED
  • Familiarize with Arduino development board and Arduino IDE.
  • Learn about programming concepts like variable assignment, functions, loops and conditional statements.
  • Identify basic electronic components and it’s working.
  • Program Arduino to control external electronic components and to interface sensors to Arduino projects
  • Experiential learning through hands on projects.
  • Use of libraries and functional definitions
  • Learn calibration of intensity using input signals from manual control mode
  • Conditional and logical programming

ARDUINO (Level 4.2)

  • Mapping different values to produce tone
  • Understand the working of displays to view the output
  • Understanding the concept of IoT and its various application.
  • Learning about different IoT Communication protocol.
  • Learning about different IoT Development boards.
  • Use of sound frequency to detect obstacles
  • Study of temperature sensor
  • Understanding the orientation or inclination of an object to control the output
  • Speed and direction control of motor using integrated circuit
  • Control the position of motor using pulsed input method


  • Learn about Raspberry pi (a credit card sized computer) and how to program with python language.
  •  Learn about Raspberry pi supported OS and the methods to download
  •  Interfacing different sensors and motors with Raspberry pi
  • Introduction  on Python, IDLE installation, print and input
  •      Python syntax, variables, Python data types
  • Python numbers, castings and string
  • Understand different types of programming language and Advantage of learning python.
  • Usage of Various Control statements, data types and functions.
  • Different usage of syntax and the types or errors.
  • Creating GUI, Simple Website using python
  • Create an application using Python Programming language.
  •     Python booleans and operators
  •      Python list, tuples and sets
  • Python dictionaries, IF ELSE, while loop, FOR loop and statements

PYTHON Advanced Level (Level 6)

  • Python functions, Lambda functions, arrays, class and objects
  •  Python inheritance, iterators and scope
  • Python modules, date and JSON
  •  Python file operations like OPEN, READ, WRITE, DELETE and CREATE
  •   Have strong foundation & understanding of Python programming language                                                                                                     
  • Two way learning platform; Learning python using block coding, comparing syntax version sideways               
  • Create your own python programs
  •   Learn python from experienced professional software developers
  • Create 5 cool projects (software) by the end of the course
  •   Advanced concepts of programming using python block coding
  •   Build complex logics
  •   Make simple games
  • D drawing using python block coding
  •   Create complex projects and games
  • NumPy random, data distribution, random permutation, Seaborne module, normal distribution


  • Strong foundation & understanding on working of Machine Learning systems
  • Learn different algorithms used in machine learning
  • Understand how to work with ML library
  • Understand the basic concepts of AI, its domain, applications and different types.
  • Overview of Python Programming language using Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook.
  • Concepts of Machine Learning, Deep learning and Learning methods to solve different types of ML Problems.
  • Hands on Machine learning Problems, design and implement Neural networks using pytorch framework.
  • Concepts of Computer vision in AI and hands on Computer Vision Problem
  • Work with ML framework Tensorflow
  • Work on different projects during the course like building your own Neural Network, image classification and handwritten digit recognition